Friday, December 18, 2009

After turning Iraq into an a USA Oil Field and American Military Base, what's next Republican Conservatives?

your anger is a giftAfter turning Iraq into an a USA Oil Field and American Military Base, what's next Republican Conservatives?
To continue from your idiotic diatribe...

You may think Smart*** republicans don't serve this country, but that is all republicans think about while you moonbat lefties do nothing but think about ways to spend other peoples money on stupid government plans that will never see fruition. Report Abuse
After turning Iraq into an a USA Oil Field and American Military Base, what's next Republican Conservatives?
You know what is REALLY thick? Imbiciles who think singing Kumbaya around a campfire will bring peace. This is a war dummy! This is us against them, and they aren't gonna stop until we are all dead, or they are. Which would you prefer? Report Abuse

Troll - and an ignorant one at that.
Everyone has a right to their own opinion..that is what makes this country (US) so special. Would you really want to deny that to the people of Iraq. Just because they have not turned into a perfect little ';free'; country for the media does not mean that their has not been progress.

Now, regarding your question...if you drive a car or use any type of transportation, I think it is a bit hypocritical to judge ';republican conservatives'; so harshly. We rely on oil from our own soil and other countries, like Iraq. But, guess what? We also pay for that's not cheap either. Also, I have several American friends that have fought in Iraq multiple times, and they have given me so many stories of how thankful the Iraqi people are of our help. Sure, not everyone is (like the terrorists), but many of the common folk sure are. On that note, I'm sure that the women of Afghanistan that have been continually abused and treated as second class citizens appreciate our help as well. Are you against us helping them too?
What's Next?

I reckon world domination. Maybe start working our way across the rest of the Middle East. And by the way, the rainbow background is a little homosexual. But maybe thats what you were going for isn't it?
well duh, thats the launching point for our imperial storm troopers to take the entire middle east. AND THEN LORD VADER will crush bin ladens throat in a force..... oh wait , sorry this is reality.
Do you think it was better before we got there?

Nice rainbow, by the way...
To date, the US has not recieved any oil from Iraqi oil fields.

As for the second part of your question, your ignorance and political bias is telling.

There are 3 million + active duty members in the US military and less than 175+K are in and around Iraq. There is a war going on, so 175K isn't very big at all...
Well, since that won't happen...

I guess we don't have to worry about what's next.

After 6 years without oil and you still think it's about oil?


Hot damn you're gullible.
The second most silliest ill thought out question, I've seen in Yahoo answers. Today
Well I reckon we'll have to stop the world and buy you a friggin' CLUE!!! Do you read the news or do any research before you ask these stupid questions?!

I guess not, that'd be an awful lot to expect from a liberal moonbat.

Here...I'll throw you a bone... did you know, that despite the fact that the U.S. deserves some bloody free oil after everything they've done in Iraq, the U.S. in fact pays for all oil imported from there?

But, after taking out a dictator who killed more of his own than Idi Amin in Uganda, and continuing to fight and take out members of Al Qaeda, (the same group that took out the trade center?? do you remember that one? try to keep up), I shouldn't be surprised that a liberal pinhead like you would simplify what's happening over there to oil and bases.

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