Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Im thinking about going into the oil field, but Im not in the best shape right now, Is it really that bad?

I am muscular but lately i've not been workin out and Im pretty out of shape, I've heard that to work in the oil field you have to be in GREAT shape! I need to know so I know what to expect.Im thinking about going into the oil field, but Im not in the best shape right now, Is it really that bad?
oil-field is physically demanding, but if you are in decent shape and are pretty active, you should be o k. grab a hard hat, go to a rig and ask if you can sit in your car and watch for a while. tell them you just want to see what you might be getting yourself into. some days you will sit in the doghouse and not lift a finger. others, you bust --- for 14-16 hours straight.

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